Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D16021 German 10cm Anti Aircraft Missile Launcher Taifun on E-50 or Panther conversion kit
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35022 German 10cm Anti Aircraft Missile Launcher Taifun on E-50 or Panther conversion kit
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Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35020 Closed wooden box for double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
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Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D16017 Closed metal box for double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
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Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D35008 5,5cm Zwillingsflakturm fire mode for Panther and E-50 b
Neu eingefügt in die Rubrik Modelle von Freunden: 5,5cm Zwillingsflakturm fire mode for Panther and E-50 von Lothar Limprecht
Neu eingefügt in die Rubrik Modelle von Freunden: 5,5cm Zwillingsflakturm travel mode for Panther and E-50 von Lothar Limprecht
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D35007 German 5,5cm Zwillingsflakturm on transport for Panther and E-50
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The German ministry of War demanded for a mid size calibre anti aircraft gun closing the gap between the calibres 3.7 cm and 8.8 cm. Besides the 5cm Flak 41 which has been introduced in November
1941 Rheinmetall-Borsig as well as Krupp started with the development of an automated weapon with the calibre 5,5cm in 1942. Although Krupp could present a smarter design which was 300 kg lighter
than the prototype of the competitor, their testing results were not convincing. Consequently Rheinmetall improved their gun and finalized the weapon as version two (VG2 = Versuchsgeschütz
2) in 1943. The final version has been produced in February 1945 but there is no evidence that the gun ever saw action.
The existing trailer Sd.Ah. 204 was intended to move the gun which was mounted on a base with three hydraulic supports.