Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D16021 German 10cm Anti Aircraft Missile Launcher Taifun on E-50 or Panther conversion kit
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35022 German 10cm Anti Aircraft Missile Launcher Taifun on E-50 or Panther conversion kit
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35021 Open wooden box with double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35020 Closed wooden box for double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35019 Open metal box with double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35018 Closed metal box for double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35016 Closed metal box for the Taifun anti-aircraft missile
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D16020 Closed wooden box with double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D16019 Closed wooden box for double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles Layout
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D16018 Open metal box with double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D16017 Closed metal box for double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D16015 Closed metal box for the Taifun anti-aircraft missile
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D35008 5,5cm Zwillingsflakturm fire mode for Panther and E-50 b
Neu eingefügt in die Rubrik Modelle von Freunden: 5,5cm Zwillingsflakturm fire mode for Panther and E-50 von Lothar Limprecht
Neu eingefügt in die Rubrik Modelle von Freunden: 5,5cm Zwillingsflakturm travel mode for Panther and E-50 von Lothar Limprecht
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D35007 German 5,5cm Zwillingsflakturm on transport for Panther and E-50
Customscale - Schwerpunkt Resinmodellbau und vieles mehr!
As already announced we are currently working on multiple kits. Today I have received the very first samples of the third plastic injection kit VK35003, which contains Ammo Boxes for
the 3cm MK 103 & 3cm Flak 103/38. I hope that the kit will be available in March 2022.
Many thanks to Felipe Rodna who is responsible for the box-art and also many thanks to MIG for the box design.
The new kit provides ammo boxes which have been used to transport the individual 3cm rounds for the 3cm MK 103 as well as for the 3cm Flak 103/38. The ammo has been made ready for the weapons by feeding an ammo belt accordingly which then has been transferred into ammo boxes directly attached besides the weapons.