Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D16021 German 10cm Anti Aircraft Missile Launcher Taifun on E-50 or Panther conversion kit
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35022 German 10cm Anti Aircraft Missile Launcher Taifun on E-50 or Panther conversion kit
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35021 Open wooden box with double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35020 Closed wooden box for double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35019 Open metal box with double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35018 Closed metal box for double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D35016 Closed metal box for the Taifun anti-aircraft missile
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D16020 Closed wooden box with double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D16019 Closed wooden box for double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles Layout
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D16018 Open metal box with double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D16017 Closed metal box for double Taifun anti-aircraft missiles
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop: 3D16015 Closed metal box for the Taifun anti-aircraft missile
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D35008 5,5cm Zwillingsflakturm fire mode for Panther and E-50 b
Neu eingefügt in die Rubrik Modelle von Freunden: 5,5cm Zwillingsflakturm fire mode for Panther and E-50 von Lothar Limprecht
Neu eingefügt in die Rubrik Modelle von Freunden: 5,5cm Zwillingsflakturm travel mode for Panther and E-50 von Lothar Limprecht
Mein neuestes Projekt endlich im Shop:3D35007 German 5,5cm Zwillingsflakturm on transport for Panther and E-50
Customscale - Schwerpunkt Resinmodellbau und vieles mehr!
There is photographic evidence proving the existence of a German AA tank equipped
with a 3cm MK 103 weapon mounted on the chassis of a recovery tank Hetzer.
As this exotic configuration results in a very interesting vehicle, the team of
Customscale / 16.01 decided to further explore the corresponding technical layout.
16.02 proudly presents now it´s latest kit no. 35004, allowing to build a corresponding
model in 1:35 scale. The new kit includes the already released MK 103 gun from 16.02
as well as the specific gun cradle and the Hetzer chassis.